Professional Services

Asperient Professional Services

Technology is bringing about a wave of innovation that is changing the competitive dynamic of many industries. But as these new technologies go mainstream more quickly, many organizations struggle with a “technology adoption gap.” The reality is that few organizations have the resources and expertise needed to evaluate and integrate the wide range of communications solutions available today. As a result, it’s not unusual to see enterprises making large investments in new technologies, only to experience a low ROI. The cause may include a failure to align the project with business needs; sub-optimal implementation left the user adoption level lower than expected; or because underlying security controls and network readiness assessments were not taken into account, undermining performance. As one of the largest and most experienced organizations focused on the evolution of emerging technologies and supporting infrastructures, Asperient Professional Services works with enterprises to speed both the deployment and ROI of new system adoption and capabilities. Responsible for over several projects per month—through a portfolio of services for both consulting and implementation—Asperient Professional Services enables more customers across more industries to realize the full potential of their investments: reducing costs while building the infrastructures that drive employee productivity and customer satisfaction.

Results Driven

The technology transition is well underway, but many organizations are years away from gaining the full benefits of the new multi-modal transformative technologies:
• Budget: Most IT resources are typically budgeted around operations and maintenance. New technology initiatives are under-resourced.
• Mixed Environments: While new technologies are making their presence felt, any infrastructure enhancement must account for legacy systems.
• Risk Resistance: The existing technology is so tightly integrated into business processes, potential advantages must be weighed against the risks to productivity and customer relationships. Delivering Results Through the experience gained in thousands of projects, and by following proven methodologies and best practices, we have achieved outstanding results for our clients.

Service is Everything

Services focused around three core areas:
Enablementation: Planning, designing, and integrating technology that helps ensure you get full value from your investment.
Optimization: Managing your roadmap from older to newer technologies, leveraging existing investments and avoiding costly ripand-replace scenarios.
Innovation: Taking advantage of the right technologies to become more accessible, more customer-friendly, and ultimately, more profitable.